Standard and custom tools for
vertical and horizontal direction (HDD) drilling

Technical Resources
of Industrial Solution

109202 Moscow
Frezer shosse, 15G, str.5

Company "Technical Resources Industrial Solution" (OOO "TRIS")
Standard and custom tools for vertical and horizontal direction (HDD) drilling


   Russia is a huge country. But currently many areas of our country are undeveloped or have out-of-date infrastructure (transport, production, etc.). Our government organizes large-scale construction works for their development and enhancement.

  Leading construction companies acquire best international samples of drilling and construction equipment for implementation of large construction projects. In most cases foreign equipment is not adapted to severe geologic and climatic drilling operating conditions of Russia. Such equipment can’t show high performance without enhancement and modification.

  The construction of infrastructure objects for the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014 is the latest example of such situation. Hillsides and all foundations of buildings were fixed on piles because the major part of construction works was performed in mountains. The number of constructed piled foundations and used drilling units within this period is absolute world record.

  The construction of cycle 0 (foundation) started in 2009. Large construction companies immediately faced a number of problems. Work was performed in mountains; variety of rocky and other materials was huge; for some types of rocky materials drilling was performed for the first time in Russia and in the world.

  At that time used drilling equipment was critical issue. Drilling units started working with typical drilling tools. This immediately led to drilling tool damage and idles. Kelly bars, swivel heads, etc. also broke down.

  The most remarkable chapter of TRIS history starts at this stage. Our specialists worked directly at drilling sites and accurately analyzed the problems of drilling tools. All international samples of drilling equipment and tools from Germany, Italy, Turkey, china and India were collected at his time and at this construction site. Collected data on faults, problems and weaknesses of products of different international manufacturers was analyzed and on its basis innovative developments for the enhancement of drilling tools produced by our company were made.

  The most intense phase of drilling works during the construction of Olympic objects in Sochi lasted from 2009 to 2012. Within this period we were able to produce the most powerful and efficient drilling tools in the world. Our tools were successfully operated under any conditions. Operational characteristics of TRIS drilling tools were significantly better than the ones of all world analogues. Besides our client were able to accurately calculate expenses due to high quality of production and slow and projected wear of drilling tools manufactured by us.

  The second important activity aspect of TRIS Company is the development of drilling tools for Siberia and Far East areas, permafrost areas and zones above the Arctic Circle.

  Generally rocky and other hard grounds are rarely met in such regions; there are different types of ordinary sand everywhere. But this sand is frozen (ice + sand). Because of that ground turns into the most aggressive abrasive in the world. Ordinary drilling tools even produced by the leading international manufacturers are worn within several shifts, metal turns into foil.

  Such severe operating conditions force our Company to produce tools with specific technical solutions which many times reduce abrasive wear. Currently we have the widest range of abrasive wear protective means on world market of drilling tools.

  We are sure that our experience and advanced developments will be useful for you in any country and under any drilling conditions.

  Call us or send your requests via email. Our technical advisors will answer all your questions and solve problems assigned to us.