Standard and custom tools for
vertical and horizontal direction (HDD) drilling

Technical Resources
of Industrial Solution

109202 Moscow
Frezer shosse, 15G, str.5

Company "Technical Resources Industrial Solution" (OOO "TRIS")
Standard and custom tools for vertical and horizontal direction (HDD) drilling


  Our company is the leader of drilling tools market in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

  Long-term working experience at Russian construction sites which are similar to the international ones in terms of scope and complexity enables us to offer our products to the leading construction companies all over the world and be confident in their successful operation.

  Our country is the largest international manufacturer of steel and different mineral resources used for the production of hard alloys and other components necessary for drilling tools production.

  Out company has its own park of machining facilities as well as the range of steel suppliers and its processing services. This allows us to manufacture spare parts of any complexity, any processing accuracy and without size limitations.

  High educational level of Russian population is crucial fact in our work. The level of higher education expansion is one of the highest in the world. As a result key workers at production have higher education and their qualification corresponds to engineering and technical personnel. This fact gives us great advantage in terms of work quality in comparison with the leading international manufacturers.

  Besides we have work experience not only in our company. Top management and key workers of TRIS Company have long-term successful working experience in joint venture of BAUER Maschinen GmbH at the territory of the Russian Federation. BAUER Maschinen GmbH is the largest manufacturer of drilling unit in the world. Also key personnel of TRIS Company undertook internships on the pants of BAUER Maschinen GmbH in Germany.

  Drilling works in our country are always associated with difficulties. Every time during the manufacturing of new drilling tool we have to solve new problems, upgrade foreign-made products and enhance our own structures. Therefore we are the only company on the world which has such a wide experience of problem solution in large-diameter drilling.

  Great history of our country, European traditions, values and business philosophy allow our Customers from different parts of the world dealing with our company.

  Due to the concentration of all required components, details, skilled man power, highly precise equipment and experience of work in the largest international companies we have the ability to offer the best samples of enhanced drilling tools manufactured in Russia to our international Customers.