Standard and custom tools for
vertical and horizontal direction (HDD) drilling

Technical Resources
of Industrial Solution

109202 Moscow
Frezer shosse, 15G, str.5

Company "Technical Resources Industrial Solution" (OOO "TRIS")
Standard and custom tools for vertical and horizontal direction (HDD) drilling


hdd drilling tools reamer barrel russia

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  TRIS is a major manufacturer of drilling tools for horizontal directional drilling (HDD) in Russia. Our company is specialized in manufacturing of HDD tools with the diameter of 400 to 2,000 mm. Basic types of HDD tools manufactured are reamers and barrels, as well as reusable pull heads for laying large-diameter pipes.

  Customers from our native country keep addressing us with the issues associated with rework or repair of drilling tools manufactured abroad (in the USA, Germany, Australia, etc.). In connection with this, we posses a complete database of the practice of application and problems that arise in the course of operation of various types of structures of drilling tools of leading world manufacturers. In the course of designing of HDD tools for own production, we try to eliminate all potential weaknesses in the structure to maximally increase the service term of the tools.

  As of the moment, we have implemented and successfully tested multiple HDD tools with the diameter of up to 2,000 mm (inclusively). We have also been the first in Russia to implement swivel necks with the draw load of over 300 tons.

HDD tools manufactured by TRIS have a number of distinctive features:

  • Tools axis is a pipe with the increased wall thickness made of special alloy steel with further thermal treatment. This allows working with the maximum bending loads and mitigate certain operator's errors.
  • Threaded parts are products of high-precision production. The thread is cut on ends of the pipe, i.e., the tools axis remains a whole part. Threads meet the API7 standard requirements and are verified with special certified calibration tools after manufacturing. This allows maximum use of the threaded connection strength redundancy in the connection (rod tool) and work with the maximum buck up loads.
  • Tool bodies are made of special grades of steel resistant to the impact and abrasive wear. This allows the tools to work in all types of soil, with no exclusions.
  • Cylindrical parts of the tools are air-proof and are not filled with bentonite. This allows significantly increasing of weight of the tools during the drilling (buck up) operations and enhancing the possibilities of operation of the drilling rig (increasing of the maximum drilling length or diameter).
  • The tools are equipped with high-quality blades with hard alloy inserts. The installation scheme allows performing effective cutting and mixing of the rock with bentonite. With that, the inserts effectively protect the working part from wear. This significantly increases the speed and efficiency of drilling.
  • The tools are equipped with branded protection from abrasion with indication of wear. Application of special wear resistant protection and hard alloy coating materials allows bringing the wear of the body and all power units of the tools (welded connections, etc.) down to the minimum. Such protection allows significantly increasing the term of service of the tools and work in highly abrasive soils without the risk to lose integrity of the tools.
  • Drilling tools are equipped with hard allow nozzles inserted into protected interfaces in drilling tool bodies. Such nozzles allow maximum length of operation of tools and performing of efficient bentonite feeding at any pressure. Protection of nozzle interfaces does not allow abrasion to destroy the sleeve in which the nozzle is installed, which significantly increases the service life of drilling tools.
  • High-quality welding materials are applied in the course of production. Mechanical properties of welding wire exceed mechanical properties of the steel welded.

  HDD tools manufactured by TRIS have the characteristics at the level similar to the level of leading world manufacturers and even exceed them regarding certain parameters. Leading construction companies of Russia are among our customers.

  Call TRIS. Our technical consultants will readily answer all your questions.


Without delay you're drilling with TRIS.